Deer Lake Ecosystem Remediation Project
Deer Lake, a ‘jewel’ of the City of Burnaby, is a lake and wetland area of ecological and cultural significance. The area is a vital ecosystem location for a wide variety of flora and fauna, and also connects to salmon bearing streams. Deer Lake is often turbid and nutrient rich as a result of urban run-off, natural aging, and the presence of Canada geese and other water fowl.

The City of Burnaby, via the Civic Innovation Lab, is working with Simon Fraser University Research Associates Stephanie Renkers and Karina de Souza Jensen to conduct an analysis of Deer Lake’s current state and to develop an initial strategy to address its remediation.
In a related piece of work, efforts have also been initiated to more fully explore the importance of the area from an Indigenous Food Systems perspective.

Join Us
If you are a City of Burnaby staff member, an SFU researcher or student, a Burnaby non-profit organization, or a community member, and would like to collaborate with the Civic Innovation Lab, please contact us through the link below.