Clean Hydrogen Hub
IWith the support of PacifiCan, the Province of BC, FortisBC, the City of Burnaby and other partners, SFU is in the process of constructing a green hydrogen hub on the Burnaby campus, to demonstrate and advance the many local technologies for hydrogen production, utilization and related applications. The City of Burnaby’s involvement and support of this project is facilitated through the Civic Innovation Lab. The SFU Clean Hydrogen Hub will be a new core research facility that brings together industry, community, academia and government partners to advance the clean energy transition. More information can be found on the SFU Clean Hydrogen Hub website.
Join Us
If you are a City of Burnaby staff member, an SFU researcher or student, a Burnaby non-profit organization, or a community member, and would like to collaborate with the Civic Innovation Lab, please contact us through the link below.